We developed a new site for Inspectiv, an exciting web security company that is delivering first-class, innovative security services to clients around the globe.


We jumped at the opportunity to partner with Inspectiv in developing a new site that showcases their exciting approach to web security.

Working on HubSpot, we knew that the site had to be clear and straightforward, with a no-nonsense back end approach so that it would be stable and high-performing around the clock. We wanted the animation-heavy site to have a seamless feel, with all the moving parts coming together to create an experience of smoothness that mirrors the security and safety that the company promises to its clients.

Key Aspects

Animated Elements

We implemented a design with a number of sleek animation elements – visuals that slide into place, marquees that scroll content across the screen, and text that appears out of the white background. We built all of this into the site keeping the mobile design in mind, so the resulting site is smartly responsive and delivers an engaging experience on both desktop and mobile.

Multi-Level Filtering

As a thought-leader in the field, Inspectiv has a lot of resources on their page that they offer to clients and prospects, the result of years of research in the field by their team. We wanted to make all of this content easily searchable and filterable at one click, so that visitors would have easy access to all the content. We built a multi-level filtering database into the site which gives viewers multiple entry points for perusing the files and seeing the breadth of Inspectiv’s offering.

Back End

Inspectiv is a quickly-growing company, so we made all the modules easy to copy and modify for new pages. Their database of articles and resources grows by the day, so we made our filters easily applicable to new content, with new filters available as needed (and even the possibility of tertiary filtering). We also had to apply gates to some of the content so that it would only be available to those who offered their email addresses or were current clients.


Developing the Inspectiv site was an exciting opportunity for us to use HubSpot to create a site that features animations, responsive design, and multi-level filtering on a database. We were glad to work closely with Inspecitv so that the site would continue to meet their needs as they grow, and would present a dynamic and seamless experience to visitors.

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